Sunday, July 10, 2016

Old Kentucky Home

Another long weekend with the girls, another post. Let’s go!

We decided to do some regional touring this past weekend in My Old Kentucky Home. The trip started Thursday morning with a drive to the Red River Gorge recreational area. It was hot, so we had to be focused. Our destinations were the Natural Bridge State Park where we rode the Skylift to the top of the bridge for some very short hikes to overlooks, the Hemlock Lodge for lunch, and the Whittleton Branch creek hike (with varying toddler moods).
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When we left Thursday afternoon the girls were wiped out, so slept most of the way to Louisville where we relaxed at Jeff’s parents’ house for the night.

Friday morning consisted of a visit to the Kentucky Science Center…free if you are a Cincy Museum Center member.
Then, we had lunch with the business crowd at a café downtown before taking a walk along the river. We concluded the day by having dinner at Noosh Nosh, a family style, yet semi-upscale eatery which was terrific (once we got seated).

Saturday was a leisurely morning before attending a friends’ 2nd birthday party at a bounce-house gymnasium, which Jeff enjoyed as well as the girls.
After a midday break we headed out to break the heat at Lakeside Swim Club, which was probably the biggest hit of the entire weekend.


Saturday night concluded with a fire-pit and s’mores at home.

Father’s Day was more business than pleasure since it was finally time to head home, but not before enjoying a home-made brunch and having a little more play time with the grandparents.
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Father’s Day Picture with the girls    &    Amelia posing with our first pepper from our garden

All-in-all it was a great few days of fun and we enjoyed taking advantage of having the extra hands around to help with the girls.

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