Thursday, August 2, 2012

Willow Park Zoo - - July 29

The Willow Park Zoo is a small zoo located in Logan.  It houses mostly birds, reptiles, and small animals.  See some of its inhabitants below!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A True Western Day - - July 26

For Susan, Thursday began with a 5.5 mile hike toward Naomi Peak, the highest peak in the Bear River Mountains range.  One of the leaders of Jeff’s Saturday hike was also leading this hike and invited the two of us to join in the fun.  Of course, Jeff had to work, so Susan used this opportunity to make up for the missed hike from the previous weekend.

Naomi Peak Trailhead
Indian Paintbrush – it comes in a variety of bright colors
IMG_3154  IMG_3169
View from our turnaround point   &   A nameless flower.. still looking for that one..
Devil’s Staircase (formed by glaciers)
Couple more flower shots
Susan on the hike

After recovering from the hike, we decided to make the 30 minute drive north to Preston, Idaho for That Famous Preston Rodeo, famous for being the first nighttime rodeo.  The event started with bucking broncos and ended with the premier bull riding with lots of fun in between.  The rodeo was very patriotic and very Republican (complete with several political jokes).  We really had a lot of fun!

In the stands, ready for the show!
The first event
Oh, rodeo clown..
The sheep herding themselves during the mutton racing (little kids riding on sheep or, as the clown said, “legal child abuse”)
Steer wrestling
A family of trick riders
The main event:  bull riding