Thursday, July 19, 2012

Road Trip USA - - A slow start to a long trip

Upon our return to the United States, we still had time available without commitments so we decided to recover from the European adventure with a few days of R&R at the lake.  We arrived Monday evening and spent some time with family.  Our 5-year-old nephew Henry was especially excited to see us but concerned about our upcoming move.  At one point, he said, “Utah is 26 hours away… I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to move that far.”  After some reassurance that we will come visit and see him already in only four Saturdays, he reluctantly departed to head back home with his parents and siblings.  After the Hohman family departure, we were privileged to entertain some good friends who visited throughout the rest of the week (thanks to the Tullbanes and Jenna for coming up).

Derby and Susan driving the boat

A non-holiday week at the lake was just what we were looking for after our busy trip. We spent a lot of time lounging around, reading books, chatting with friends and family, and skiing on the glassy lake surface.   Before we knew it, it was Friday and time for us to move on.


Officially on the road

We crammed all of our belongings with us in the Hyundai and went to St. Louis for the weekend.   Here we spent the weekend with Jeff’s family, attended a bridal showing for Jeff’s sister, and participated in a triathlon Sunday morning that no one seemed 100% ready for. 

Jeff (sans trisuit which accidentally was left behind in Louisville)

After a largely successful race, we continued our journey westward in earnest.   Our first pit stop Sunday evening was in Lawrence, Kansas with a friend of ours and classmate of Susan’s.  By the time we arrived in town, Jeff was pretty beat from the weekend so he had an early night giving Susan time to catch up with her friend.   The plan was to depart the next morning for some long days of driving…

Derby excited about the road trip!

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