Friday, March 19, 2010

A New Direction

My blog title change marks a change in direction for this site. I know there isn’t much of an audience, which is fine since I’m not that interesting, but thought I would announce the change anyways.

As I’ve become more busy with work, building up training volume for the Ironman, and trying to get my MBA completed…keeping up with my blog has become about the lowest priority thing on my to do list. However, I don’t want to abandon it altogether, especially since I still enjoy reviewing my race reports before my next events and rereading my vacation reports. I have never been one for photo albums or scrapbooks, so this is sort of the next closest thing in that regard. Also, it allows an easy outlet to share these types of write-ups with friends and family who do want to keep up.

So, I’ve decided to make the focus of this blog the vacation and race reports. They are the best things I’ve written anyways. This will also make long absences from posting, like this one, seem more acceptable. I may still write a post or two unrelated, but this is an overall trend change.

That being said, I will hopefully have some good posting very soon (like in the next couple days). Tonight, a couple friends and I will be heading down to Asheville, NC for a few days in a cabin in the mountains and lots of cycling. I’m bringing a camera everywhere with me, so hopefully it survives so I can add sweet shots of the outdoors along the way.

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