Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New York Trip, Days 3 & 4

Day 3 began with Sunday brunch with the family at Edward’s, a small Mexican themed restaurant.  To our surprise, there was an advertisement for a “Cincinnati Day” at the restaurant in a few weeks featuring such specialties as Skyline Chili, Montgomery Inn BBQ, LaRosa’s Pizza, and Graeter’s Ice Cream.

DSCN2337 During the brunch, we discussed possible plans for the day.  Since we got off to a late start, we split out on our own from the restaurant to head North to Central Park.

First on tap was ice skating in the Park.   Of course, with our impeccable timing, we arrived and got our skates on just as the Zamboni took the ice.  About a half an hour later, it was finally our turn.  We skated around the overcrowded rink and snuck a couple pictures before deciding we were cold enough and our ankles had taken enough abuse to call it quits.


From there, it was a chilly walk to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  With it being a Sunday, we arrived within half an hour of closing time.  Luckily, its a free admission museum, so we were able to run quickly to the new Samurai Exhibit and enjoy it for about 10 minutes before being ushered toward the exit.  In an effort to see as much as possible, we took the scenic route through other areas of the museum, snapping quick pictures along the way. 


Back out in the cold, we made our way to the subways and back to my aunt and uncle’s condo.  We weren’t sure what our evening plans were going to be but arrived to a homemade pot of chili on the stove.  That provided enough incentive to relax and settle in for the night.  We hung out with the family, enjoying beer, chips and fresh-made guacamole, pistachios, cheeses, and of course, chili.  It was an early night.

Monday morning was our “early” starting day as we left to see the city at around 11:30.  Today started with a walk from the condo to Greenwich Village where we stopped for a quick lunch at an Irish Pub. From there, we made our way through the Village and over to the Highline, a new elevated walking path renovated from an old train track. 

DSCN2374 The Highline


A view from the Highline

When we hit the current end of the path (a larger section is still in progress), we made our way to the subway and shot up to Times Square.


Times Square


When Hershey’s and M&M’s face-off, everybody wins


A rainbow of M&M’s


Approaching Rockefeller Center


Checking out the ice skating scene at the Rock


Photo op of the Empire State building while switching subway trains

After our whirlwind day and a good deal of shopping, we headed back to the condo for a pit stop before being taken out to dinner for our last night in the city.  We had reservations at Tamarind, an Indian restaurant (which neither my wife or I have much experience with).  Looking at the menu, we clearly had no idea what we were doing, so our host took charge an order a sampler of appetizers, breads, and entrees to share.


A selection of Indian entrees (watch out for the fiery chicken)

Most everything was delicious and spicy, so we cooled down with a sampler of Indian ice creams (Apricot, Pina Colada, Banana, and another that was similar to vanilla) and Mango Cheesecake.  Once we were more than satisfied, we headed back to the condo to pack and prepare for our return to the Midwest.

Currently, we are at the airport in New York making our way home.  Back to the real world tomorrow.

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